Academically, SCS provides an atmosphere where God-given talents are nurtured, excellence and self-discipline are cultivated, and future goals are made and realized. Our students become intrinsically motivated to work hard. They develop a love for academics and extracurricular activities. The consistent incorporation of computers and technology in the classroom has equipped our students for the 21st century. We teach Bible, history, science, and math in a systematic and comprehensive way that firmly grounds our students in their own beliefs, while preparing them for life in today’s world. Our curriculum program encourages the development of reasoning and cognitive skills that prepares students for success in secondary education.
Each of us has been distinctly gifted and called to love God with our hearts as well as our minds. The importance of this calling requires that we practice a rigorous pursuit of academics. Our students master skills and pursue deep understanding by cultivating intellectual and spiritual curiosity, engaging with others in discourse, research and inquiry, and solving complex problems with creativity and careful thought.
In doing so, students learn to curate resources that direct themselves and others to truth, beauty, and goodness. Our goal is that our students would be equipped for the lifelong pursuit of truth and they would embrace the call to stewardship and service in creation and culture.
The deliberate efforts of our teachers is to share resources, expertise, and their passion for living out their faith enables them to apply that to the student’s approach to truth and understanding in all areas of their life. The teachers hope that students are equipped to thoughtfully evaluate and respond to different ideas and opinions they encounter.
While the current academic landscape is moving away from faith identified truths, our teachers have a passion for understanding and teaching the intertwining of their academics with their faith. Teachers provide students with the knowledge they need to evaluate complex worldviews. Applying a biblical perspective allows students to see the bigger picture of the universe. Our aim is for students to leave equipped to thoughtfully evaluate and respond to the different ideas and opinions they encounter. We don’t isolate students from the world but equip them to enter it.
To effectively teach truth across the curriculum we turn to the God’s Word to study and apply its truths to all academic, spiritual, emotional, and physical lives. To teach truth we need students to understand that God is everywhere, all encompassing.
Our teachers use engaging methods and focus on individualized instruction and dynamic teaching practices. Kindergarten through second grade students receive a foundational STEM approach through Science of Reading, for a comprehensive, direct Phonemic awareness instruction, decoding, and spelling. In grades three through five the focus shifts to vocabulary, comprehension, and critical thinking as they learn to read. In grades six through eight the instruction taught moves to focus on “why” we read, how we reflect God in our writing, life questions, and reflection on personal faith formation.
Each classroom strives to build positive relationships among the students to enhance learning. Each class has their own “class clips” that are specifically created to nurture relationships between the students. Specific effort for collaboration among teachers is done weekly to assure student engagement. Professional learning communities look in depth at their scope and sequence to minimize overlap of content instruction. Students are encouraged to connect God, identify how God is intertwined in all of their learning, and understand how this will help them grow and develop to their fullest potential. This allows teachers to differentiate their instruction based on the student learning styles and interests. This allows teachers to move students from their point-of-need to their peak potential.
Through our curriculum, teachers challenge students to apply their knowledge and think critically about what they have learned. We align our curriculum with our integrated Bible instruction and a Biblical worldview, so that our students are able to understand how everything in creation points back to Christ.